Anthony (left) and Sean Souza photographed by Joe Schildhorn /

All about music, fashion (they call Valentino “uncle”) and nightlife from two DJ brothers in the know.

The key to a good playlist…
Sean: Give people what they want, take it away from them, then bring it back.
Anthony: Play it live! Playlists will only get you so far, but improvisation can take you anywhere!

I prepare for a gig by…
Sean: Finding the silence from where it all begins.
Anthony: We share ideas on the phone or via email, then when we meet up we merge our playlists and start shaping our sets. It’s an interesting dynamic because we have all these bits and pieces that only come alive once we are together.

My DJ style is…
Sean: Unexpected and adaptable to conditions. Finding the good marriage between electronic and organic genres.
Anthony: It depends on the moment but mainly deep house, tech house and electronica fused with tribal elements and sounds we have collected on our travels.

And my fashion style…
Sean: I take my inspiration from rough diamonds.
Anthony: I like to be comfortable and don’t have much interest in trends, but I do get my dad’s old clothes and they are pretty awesome.

Best nightlife scene…
Anthony: I hear the Sheik ‘n’ Beik parties in New York are awesome. In London, I am loving the parties thrown by the Another Party group.

Current inspirationsā€¦
Sean: World music meets tech house and electronica. Giving melodic and textural balance to what, at times, sounds too cold and repetitive.
Anthony: I am loving how there is such a fresh remixing culture nowadays, and not just in electronic music.

Artist I’m loving now…
Sean: BalkanVision & Mashina
Anthony: Thom Yorke

Best advice my parents gave meā€¦
Sean: How to appreciate and preserve beauty/truth.
Anthony: “Anthony, go back to your room now!”

Favorite (and not so favorite) part of fashion weekā€¦
Sean: Favorite: the opportunity to see so much creative energy focused in a week. Not so favorite: Sometimes being nauseated by the too-lavish motivations.
Anthony: Favorite: Fashion as an art. Not so favorite: Fashion as a distraction.

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