Meet Trademark, the new collection launched by two of Tory’s girls, sisters Louisa and Pookie Burch.
Trademark is…
A collection of classic minimal clothing and accessories to wear every day.
We wanted Trademark to be familiar but modern.
The initial inspiration was…
The concept of a uniform — the pieces that make an everyday uniform feel special and personal. We want Trademark to reflect the idea that simple and well-designed pieces are the building blocks for individual dressing.
Our favorite pieces from the collection…
Louisa Burch: The Molloy sweater and our classic take on a white shirt.
Pookie Burch: The translucent geometric Springer tote and our chunky marled roll-neck sweater.
Our fashion and design influences include…
Pioneers of great American minimalist design, like Anni Albers, Barnett Newman and the Black Mountain College. We are also very inspired by furniture, objects and ceramics.
Best business advice you’ve ever received…
LB: “There will always be challenges and people who don’t believe in your concept. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Think of negativity as noise and focus on what you are doing,” from Tory. This is something that I really feel she has taught us so well.
And best style advice…
PB: Don’t overthink it, from our mother Susan.
Our personal trademarks are…
Louisa: My French bulldog, Wilbur.
Pookie: My dachshund, Rupert.
And our signs…
Louisa: Sagittarius
Pookie: Cancer
More to explore in Style
- Style 9.10.24 Spring/Summer 2025: Accessories Report
- Style 9.10.24 Spring/Summer 2025: Shoe Report
- Style 9.10.24 Spring/Summer 2025: Runway Report
- Style 9.10.24 Spring/Summer 2025: Bag Report
- Style 9.9.24 Spring/Summer 2025: The Warm Up