Lost in Translation

Something never lost in translation? Music, and Tokyo has this in droves. You’ve heard about the karaoke scene, but the city also has a deep appreciation for classic records. Here, 5 record stores with vinyl for all music lovers, from the novice to the professional DJ.

Ella Records
The discount corner is the real draw of this Nishihara record shop. Search hard enough and you’re bound to find a gem.

Downtown Records
You can spend hours in this store, sipping on a cup of coffee and listening to the expansive selection of secondhand records.

Coconuts Disk Ikebukuro
Make yourself right at home in this cozy, dimly-lit shop and get carried away browsing vinyl, cassette tapes and CDs.

Glocal Records
Well-known DJs are literally working the room – they’re employed here. If you are looking for dance and beat records, this is the spot.

Big Love
Because it’s always five o’clock somewhere, grab a drink. This record shop’s craft beer offering rivals its extensive vinyl collection.

映画・ロスト イン トランスレーションに出てこなかったスポットってある?「音楽」が東京を語る上で外せないことのうちのひとつ。カラオケについてはもうご存知だと思いますが、東京の街は古いレコードの聖地でもあるのです!レコード初心者から、プロの方までにおススメしたい、5つのレコードショップをご紹介。

Ella Records

Downtown Records

Coconuts Disk Ikebukuro

Glocal Records

Big Love

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