Every so often, while succumbing to the endless scroll of Instagram, we stumble upon a trend so good we’d be remiss not to share. Our most recent discovery: a new wave of booze-free beverages. Companies like GHIA, For Bitter For Worse and Seedlip are disrupting drinking culture with a combination of colorful and graphic branding, energizing and engaging content and delightful alcohol-free drinks. Using botanical and herbal blends, each of these businesses provides alternatives to the traditional aperitif, cocktail or spirit, without sacrificing flavor. Some brands, such as Kin, blend herbs and plants to produce calming effects — their popular Spritz is a sparkling citrusy blend that comes in an uplifting technicolor can fittingly reminiscent of an aura photograph — while others, like Seedlip or Monday, act solely as an alcohol-free substitute for the real thing. Whether you’re sober for a night or sober for life, booze-free beverage options are bountiful.