Spring is officially here — or so the calendar says. For many of us, our days are still ruled by chilly temps. What we wouldn’t give for a touch of the tropics…
Enter interior designer Amanda Lindroth, who’s based in the Bahamas. Here, she shares her guide and — for those of us who want to do more than vacation virtually — reveals her top tips to inject a little island vibe into your home.
The Bahamas is…
My home, and has been for almost 30 years. Though the “real” world has its compelling qualities, living on an island in a beautiful old-fashioned way with houses open to the breeze and weather and views of the sea and a life very attuned to nature is magical.
What first brought me here…
I first came to Nassau as my first husband’s company sent us.
And what keeps me here…
I stayed because of my second husband!
First-time visitors must…
Immediately jump on a puddle jumper and see the Family Islands. The water of the Exumas, the charm of Harbour Island and Hope Town are must-sees.
One secret only a local would know…
The Rum Dum recipe from the Lyford Cay Club.
My top three tips to create a Caribbean vibe at home…
1. Open the windows!
2. Put giant leaves in glass cylinders everywhere.
3. Have candles in hurricanes and fresh ice in the bar!
As an interior designer, I could never live without…
White cotton slipcovers, natural matting on floors and lamplight.