Whats Your Sign? Virgo

Astrology expert Susie Cox tells us what we can expect in the upcoming earth sign of Virgo (August 22nd – September 22nd).

Happy Birthday, Virgo! August 25th is the new moon in Virgo, always a new beginning for you. This time, Neptune is aligned with the new moon, so have as creative of a birthday as your Virgo can handle.

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your sign of Libra on September 1st and will be there until September 26th. You will feel even more social than normal, so reach out to your friends.

Both Mars and Saturn are in your sign of Scorpio now. From August 22nd through August 27th, they will be joining each other in the sky. Use those dates to put your life and finances in order.

Mars enters your sign of Sagittarius on September 13th and doesn’t leave until October 25th. Travel as much as you can during those times. Don’t play it safe — adventurous travel is a must.

September 3rd through September 5th is your power window for this month. You will feel invincible and others will be impressed by your command of a tough situation.

Aquarius isn’t usually the sign for finance and business, but this month the planets are lining up perfectly for you in the money arena. Be bold and make changes.

The full moon is in your sign of Pisces on September 8th, which is also called the Harvest Moon. Neptune, your planet, joins the full moon, making it a whimsical and magical time.

September 9th and 10th could bring a time of frustration and anxiety for you, Aries. But, for as wild as you will feel, the next day, September 11th will be a day of resolve to the quick Aries crisis.

Your power dates this month are September 11th and 12th. Expect to have an easy time in getting what you want. Think big and you’ll be surprised how effortless it will be.

This entire month will give you unexpected interactions with your friends. Be flexible and let things happen instead of making them happen. Serendipity is your ally now.

If you focus on creativity September 16th, the next day will bring an easy completion to your project. Plan to do something that has been on your plate for a while.

If you possibly can, take a short weekend holiday from September 19th through September 22nd. Go somewhere exotic that you haven’t been to before. An exciting journey is the plan.

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