A few raucous, seemingly out-of-control years in the Seventies was all it took to turn the anti-establishment into one of the coolest sounds and looks ever. And people have been tapping into the spirit of the Sex Pistols, The Clash, Blondie, Patti Smith and the like ever since. As everyone fine-tunes their gowns in anticipation of tonight’s annual Met Gala theme — PUNK: Chaos to Couture — we offer this playlist. Warning: May cause anarchy. Hear it now on Spotify.


  1. Hey Little Girl — Dead Boys
  2. I Want to Be Your Boyfriend — Ramones
  3. Love Comes In Spurts — Richard Hell
  4. Just Like Me — Circle Jerks
  5. Obsessed With You — X-Ray Spex
  6. X Offender — Blondie
  7. New Rose — The Damned
  8. White Riot — The Clash
  9. In This House That I Call Come — X
  10. Redondo Beach — Patti Smith
  11. Holidays In the Sun — Sex Pistols
  12. History Lesson, Pt. 2 — Minutemen

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